Sunday, October 2, 2022

Impressions From Conference - October 2022 Feast on the scriptures. Take time every day to immerse myself in the scriptures Study the scriptures. Find and understand the names of Christ Determine how I can take upon myself each name that seems applicable to me. Search for others The good shepherd Prince of Peace Light of the World Advocate Mediator, Comforter Exemplar Messenger of the Covenant Rock Become clean Use sacrament time to Focus on Christ, his plan, his patience, his love, his mercy Trust him. Believe him. Continue to Record my impressions from Conference Overcome the world and find rest Reread Elder Bednar's talk and Elder Gong's talk Expect miracles Worship in the temple. Renew temple covenants SATURDAY MORNING SESSION President Dallin H. Oaks: ‘Helping the Poor and Distressed’ Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: ‘Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth’ Sister Tracy Y. Browning: ‘Seeing More of Jesus Christ in Our Lives’ Elder Dale G. Renlund: ‘A Framework for Personal Revelation’ Elder Rafael E. Pino: ‘Let Doing Good Be Our Normal’ Elder Hugo Montoya: ‘The Eternal Principle of Love’ Elder Ronald A. Rasband: ‘This Day’ ‘Any kind of abuse ... is an abomination,’ President Nelson says at Saturday morning session SATURDAY AFTERNOON SESSION President M. Russell Ballard: ‘Follow Jesus Christ With Footsteps of Faith’ Sister Kristin M. Yee: ‘Beauty for Ashes: The Healing Path of Forgiveness’ Elder Paul V. Johnson: ‘Be Perfected in Him’ Elder Ulisses Soares: ‘In Partnership With the Lord’ Elder James W. McConkie III: ‘And They Sought To See Jesus Who He Was’ Elder Jorge F. Zeballos: ‘Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary’ Elder D. Todd Christofferson: ‘The Doctrine of Belonging’ Jesus Christ provides hope for healing, and all do belong in his church, leaders say on Saturday afternoon SATURDAY EVENING SESSION Bishop Gérald Caussé: ‘Our Earthly Stewardship’ Sister Michelle D. Craig: ‘Wholehearted’ Elder Kevin W. Pearson: ‘Are You Still Willing’ Elder Denelson Silva: ‘Courage To Proclaim the Truth’ Elder Neil L. Andersen: ‘Drawing Closer to the Savior’ A time to heal and a need to belong: Messages of Christ highlight first day of Latter-day Saint conference SUNDAY MORNING SESSION Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: ‘Lifted Up Upon the Cross’ Sister J. Anette Dennis: ‘His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Is Light’ Remember that there are many hidden wounds that would make us weep instead of judge. Elder Gerrit W. Gong: ‘Happy and Forever’ Elder Joseph W. Sitati: ‘Patterns of Discipleship’ President Steven J. Lund: ‘Lasting Discipleship’ Elder David A. Bednar: ‘Put On Thy Strength, O Zion’ President Russell M. Nelson: ‘Overcome the World and Find Rest’ Latter-day Saints encouraged to find rest in an ‘often exhausting world’ SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSION President Henry B. Eyring: ‘Legacy of Encouragement’ Elder Ryan K. Olsen: ‘The Answer Is Jesus’ Elder Jonathan S. Schmitt: ‘That They Might Know Thee’ Elder Mark D. Eddy: ‘The Virtue of the Word’ Elder Isaac K. Morrison: ‘We Can Do Hard Things Through Him’ Elder Gary E. Stevenson: ‘Nourishing and Bearing Your Testimony’ Elder Quentin L. Cook: ‘Be True to God and His Work’ President Russell M. Nelson: ‘Focus on the Temple’ President Nelson announces 18 new temples, including 4 near Mexico City, as conference closes
Re: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Nolan J, II Thompson Thu, Oct 17, 2019, 12:34 PMInteresting that her own lack of follow through is the real issue. I left a voice mail for her on 10/1 From: Tanya Bird Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 7:49 AM To: Jane Babcock Cc: Nolan J, II Thompson Subject: RE: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Good morning, Sister Babcock. I’ll forward your email to Elder Thompson. He’ll likely be in touch with you shortly. Thank you, Tanya Bird From: Jane Babcock Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 7:18 AM To: Tanya Bird Subject: Re: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Dear Sister Bird, I still haven’t heard from Elder Thompson. I hope to move forward with Family Search Support. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help the process. Jane Babcock On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 8:39 AM Tanya Bird wrote: Good morning, Sister Babcock. I have the following phone number for Elder Thompson: 360-791-8879 Good luck with your technical evaluation – and I look forward to working with you. Tanya Bird From: Jane Babcock Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 1:56 PM To: Tanya Bird Subject: Re: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Dear Sister Bird, I would like a phone number for Elder NolanThompson so that I can put it in my "Contacts". That way it would notify me on my watch of his call and help me respond immediately even if I am not carrying my cell phone. It would also identify him as a caller if I am unavailable when he calls. Thank you for helping move this forward. Jane Babcock On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 10:54 AM Tanya Bird wrote: Dear Sister Babcock, Thank you for your time in our call today. If you have not already done so, please schedule a time to meet with your Ward Clerk to update your Membership Record. Membership Record data interfaces with many of our computer programs, so attention to this early in the application process is very helpful. I have forwarded your contact information to our technical specialist Elder Nolan Thompson who is responsible for assessing your general technical skills and computer capabilities. After he informs me that you have the necessary technical requirements to serve, I will send your application to your Bishop and Stake President for approval. This is a great mission full of opportunities for learning and growth both technically and spiritually - a place to make new friends and relationships - and to serve the Lord in this capacity. Regards, Tanya Bird Re: Status of family search support service mission Brian Verhaaren Thu, Nov 14, 2019, 7:49 PM Jane, I thought I had previously approved it, but I just checked and it showed that it was still requiring my approval, so I did it again. You should expect to hear from President Newbold. This is an older system for the church, so I’ve made a note to check tomorrow to make sure it has gone through - I hope it wasn’t my error. I’ll keep you posted, thanks! Bishop Verhaaren > On Nov 14, 2019, at 7:27 PM, Jane Babcock wrote: > Do you know or can you check on the status of the service mission? > Jane Re: Service mission status Brian Verhaaren Sat, Nov 23, 2019, 9:44 PM Jane, I just sent another reminder email. However perhaps you can set up an appointment with Bro Turley the Stake Executive Secretary. His phone number is (801) 231-4840. I can see your calling is in Pres Newbold's queue so it is moving forward. Sorry this must be frustrating. Thanks, Brian Verhaaren On Nov 23, 2019, at 9:17 PM, Jane Babcock wrote: I still haven’t heard from the stake president or the family search support mission. I guess I should be patient rather than nervous. Jane Babcock. Welcome to Family Search December 3, 2019 Dear Sister Babcock, Thank-you for your commitment to serve as a church service missionary with the assignment to FamilySearch. Please make a time with either your bishop or stake president within one week of your start date to be set apart. Attached is a welcome letter outlining your training and orientation. Review it before your start date for information that will help guide your preparations. You should hear from the training team no later than a week prior to your start date on January 6, 2020. Thank you for your willingness to serve; we look forward to having you join our team. Regards Tanya Bird \ 9 Feb - 15 Feb 2020 I am sorry for the difficulties I have caused you. I have been reminded by the Lord, that I need his help, and that by myself I fail to accomplish important tasks. But he is blessing me to do better. I have already been able to help members of my family. In our getaway this weekend we were able to do family sealings for my husband's great grandfather, one he remembers spending time with. 16 Feb - 22 Feb 18 Feb 2020 Last night at bedtime, before initiating a shutdown of my computer, I rechecked Chrome and tweaked a few things. I made the mistake of syncing chrome and my google account and discovered to my horror that I had replaced my Mission Bookmarks with numerous old bookmarks from the time when Ken and I were both using Windows and sharing a small computer on our Puerto Rico mission. I have not felt so broken in a long time. I was sobbing and racing through scenarios. I tried to recover the situation by myself. I could not. I thought about contact Sister Prehm who had helped me when I lost my passwords the first time or Sister Roper my coach. It was getting late and I had a review/test for Module 3 at 8:00 AM today. I had failed my first attempt to pass Module 3 with Sister Roper. 100% is required and I had failed to notice important instruction. The Lord has been humbling me. I also failed my first review on Module 2 with Sister Beckemeyer. (later passing with Sister Redd and Sister Newell). March 27, 2020 I have been grateful for the extra help I received this week to solidify my understanding of tools training. I realize I need to take time to study in my own way and not feel pressure to keep up with anyone else. I am grateful for the comprehensiveness of the modules and the details and the encouragement to study KAs and try things out. The work should be full of joy and anticipation with time for prayer and devotionals. We need to look up and see that "the field is white already to harvest." My family has been experiencing great stress as our son finalizes a divorce and leaves his home in Kentucky to return to Utah for healing. I am grateful that my husband has felt the Lord's approval for a week long trip to Kentucky involving four flights. I am also grateful for the willingness of our daughter to also fly to Kentucky to drive her brother and his car to Utah. We have a missionary grandson returning early from Ecuador and others under great emotional, spiritual and physical stresses. My trust is in my Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They love us. I am grateful for a mission that can continue from home, grateful to be learning and growing stronger and more useful to the kingdom. April 3, 2020 This week I have been particularly touched by the devotionals. I have recognized the importance of doing what I am learning about Family Tree on my own Family Tree. I have been almost overwhelmed by the quantity of work to be done and corrections that need to be made and records and memories that need to be added. I want to fulfill my mission in a righteous way and I know that if I do it "right" the Lord will bless me to know what is needful. April 10, 2020 What a wonderful experience to go through Family Tree Training with trainers who want me to succeed. I have learned so much and recognize the great need for help in moving forward myself and I also recognize how important help can be to others. On this day of fasting and prayer, I have felt the Lord bless me. We began the day with a lost item emergency that needed to be resolved immediately. I had been reminded just this morning that the Lord knows where everything thing and every person is and that he wants us to know that nothing and no one is lost to him. We prayed and found the needed item. And then my module study went well and was clear and understandable. And instead of waiting until Monday, I can move forward this weekend without stress, but can concentrate on celebrating, rejoicing and being grateful. Added to North America Desert West Area by Lori Nelson on 6 May 2020 Added to Team 2 Light the Way team by Lori Nelson 17 May 2020 Added to Technical support Help 21 June 2020July Your immediate attention is requested -- Church-service Mission ends soon 8 Sep 2020 Dear Sister Jane Babcock, We very much appreciate your service as a Church-service Missionary and hope your life has been richly blessed. You are scheduled to be released on January 06, 2021. We invite you to talk to your operation manager (Tanya Bird, 801/240-6112, TVBIRD@FAMILYSEARCH.ORG) as soon as possible and counsel together regarding your future plans. This may include a mutual decision by you and the operation manager to request a formal extension of your mission service. Mission extensions are not granted automatically, and are ultimately determined based on the recommendation from the operation manager and the approval of your stake president. The timely action by you and your operation manager will ensure that the CSM process will run smoothly. Thank you for your wonderful service. Church-service Missionary Office 10 Sep 2020 Dear Sister Bird, I recently received a letter regarding my service, indicating that I am scheduled to be released on January 06, 2021. Even though that was my official start date, the actual date when I began my mission was delayed by a pre-planned trip to support family in January, by technology difficulties and by a glitch in communication that delayed the assignment of a mentor until the 25th of March. Thank you, Sister Babcock, for your response to the CSM release notification. How long would you like for your extension? Most missionaries extend for 12 months, but you’re welcome to request an extension up to 24. Tanya I have recently cross trained to be able to do Historical Records as well as Family Tree and look forward to being more useful as a missionary for the remainder of my mission. I understand that an extension is not automatic, but would like to be considered for an extension. Thank you, Jane Babcock Thank you, Sister Babcock, for your response to the CSM release notification. How long would you like for your extension? Most missionaries extend for 12 months, but you’re welcome to request an extension up to 24. Tanya Bird 10 Sep 2020 For now I would like to request a 12 month extension, even though I would love to continue serving for much longer. Under current circumstances, I am becoming less confident about predicting the future. Thank you, Jane Babcock 10 Sep 2020 Thank you Sister Babcock. I will cc Elder Evans in my response so that he can begin processing your request for a 12 month extension. Regards,Tanya Bird
August 28, 2022 Today in Relief Society we were challenged to remember and record a time when we felt in awe of God and Christ, They talked about what makes it hard for us to feel that awe all the time. I didn’t say anything, but I thought about my current sadness related to Steven’s distance from us and from the church. He has been staying awake late and sleeping until early afternoon. He hasn’t been going to church or church activities. He hasn’t been having family prayer with us morning and evening. It is hard for me to feel joy in my relationship to him. I went shopping with him Friday. I played a game of Carcassonne with him and Ken. I talk with him about what food is available, but he obviously wants space. I have been reminded of a similar time before he was married to Alyssa when he stayed in the basement for months. One Sunday morning, I sat at the table in the breakfast nook in the kitchen praying to Heavenly Father for Steven and for myself, pondering my inability to help him and myself. As I sat there, I saw in my mind’s eye a vision of Steven coming the basement stairs, dressed in his suit, ready for sacrament meeting. A few moments later, I heard him on the stairs and looked to see him dressed in his suit, ready for sacrament meeting. I felt a humbled awe of the tender mercy I had just experienced, knowing for sure that God knew my son and he knew me and he loved us both and he wanted me to have hope and to know that he did. He had been helping Steven prepare for that moment and wanted me to know it. It is hard to remember in hard times when things have gone backwards for a while, that in the end we will be blessed and Christ will save all whom the Father has given him. He understands mental illness and has infinite patience. I need to trust him.
General Conference Octobr 2022 Since this blog is about my spiritual life ie my focus on my mission, it seems appropriate that I add my conference notes. I will start with the Sunday morning session since it is the closest to my current memory. I was surprised that this session focused on members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For years, the Sunday morning session has been a missionary session geared to helping friends understand missionary messages. Today the tender talk about unfairly judging people with hidden wounds and loving and helping everyone belong was for everyone. Elder Joseph W. Sitati was appropriately visible as a powerful black General Authority. But Elder Gong talked to the Saints about the healing power of temple work and shared a powerful life changing for me story about an abusive father who was finally given the opportunity to receive temple ordinances who appeared to his daughter in a dream dressed in white and said to her, "Look at me, I am clean. Thank you. Now go back to the temple and do the work for your brother. He is ready." He did not say I am good or I am perfect. He said, "I am clean". That is what the weekly sacramental covenant can do for me. It can make me clean and able to access the power of the Savior. That is what I want each week, to start again clean. That is what I want from my temple service. I need the Lord's help to be able to do all I need to and want to do. I don't have the energy and focus and strength on my own. I need to be strong enough to put off "little books" of entertainment and excitement and suspense. Several authors I have read recently were compelling, and taught me what is going on in the young adult fiction world. It is not Christ focused. I returned to the library, my pile of books to maybe read when I just wanted to relax. I need the Lord's help to make my non mission service hours productive and a time to fulfill other portions of my earthly mission. Personal family history work is important, and I haven't had the focus and energy to deal with the memories and life sketches and timelines and sources of my own ancestors. I am going to seek the Lord's help to be able to do more, to redouble my efforts. I will study President Nelson's talk. It was for me a powerful encouragement to overcome the world. It brought tears and hope and joy.
I had a difficult time getting started on my FamilySearch Support Mission. There were many delays as illustrated by the following email thread. Re: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Nolan J, II Thompson Thu, Oct 17, 2019, 12:34 PM to Tanya, me Interesting that her own lack of follow through is the real issue. I left a voice mail for her on 10/1 From: Tanya Bird Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 7:49 AM To: Jane Babcock Cc: Nolan J, II Thompson Subject: RE: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Good morning, Sister Babcock. I’ll forward your email to Elder Thompson. He’ll likely be in touch with you shortly. Thank you, Tanya Bird Family Search – Worldwide Support North America Operations Office: 801-240-6112 From: Jane Babcock Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 7:18 AM To: Tanya Bird Subject: Re: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Dear Sister Bird, I still haven’t heard from Elder Thompson. I hope to move forward with Family Search Support. Please let me know if there is anything i can do to help the process. Jane Babcock On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 9:16 AM Jane Babcock wrote: Thank you! Jane Babcock On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 8:39 AM Tanya Bird wrote: Good morning, Sister Babcock. I have the following phone number for Elder Thompson: 360-791-8879 Good luck with your technical evaluation – and I look forward to working with you. Tanya Bird Family Search – Worldwide Support North America Operations Office: 801-240-6112 From: Jane Babcock Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2019 1:56 PM To: Tanya Bird Subject: Re: FamilySearch Initial Evaluation Follow Up Dear Sister Bird, I would like a phone number for Elder NolanThompson so that I can put it in my "Contacts". That way it would notify me on my watch of his call and help me respond immediately even if I am not carrying my cell phone. It would also identify him as a caller if I am unavailable when he calls. Thank you for helping move this forward. Jane Babcock On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 10:54 AM Tanya Bird wrote: Dear Sister Babcock, Thank you for your time in our call today. If you have not already done so, please schedule a time to meet with your Ward Clerk to update your Membership Record. Membership Record data interfaces with many of our computer programs, so attention to this early in the application process is very helpful. I have forwarded your contact information to our technical specialist Elder Nolan Thompson who is responsible for assessing your general technical skills and computer capabilities. After he informs me that you have the necessary technical requirements to serve, I will send your application to your Bishop and Stake President for approval. This is a great mission full of opportunities for learning and growth both technically and spiritually - a place to make new friends and relationships - and to serve the Lord in this capacity. Regards, Tanya Bird I should have been keeping a more permanent record of my experiences. These notes were made as I began training. 9 Feb - 15 Feb 2020 I am sorry for the difficulties I have caused you. I have been reminded by the Lord, that I need his help, and that by myself I fail to accomplish important tasks. But he is blessing me to do better. I have already been able to help members of my family. In our getaway this weekend we were able to do family sealings for my husband's great grandfather, one he remembers spending time with. 16 Feb - 22 Feb 18 Feb 2020 Last night at bedtime, before initiating a shutdown of my computer, I rechecked Chrome and tweaked a few things. I made the mistake of syncing chrome and my google account and discovered to my horror that I had replaced my Mission Bookmarks with numerous old bookmarks from the time when Ken and I were both using Windows and sharing a small computer on our Puerto Rico mission. I have not felt so broken in a long time. I was sobbing and racing through scenarios. I tried to recover the situation by myself. I could not. I thought about contact Sister Prehm who had helped me when I lost my passwords the first time or Sister Roper my coach. It was getting late and I had a review/test for Module 3 at 8:00 AM today. I had failed my first attempt to pass Module 3 with Sister Roper. 100% is required and I had failed to notice important instruction. The Lord has been humbling me. I also failed my first review on Module 2 with Sister Beckemeyer. (later passing with Sister Redd and Sister Newell). March 27, 2020 I have been grateful for the extra help I received this week to solidify my understanding of tools training. I realize I need to take time to study in my own way and not feel pressure to keep up with anyone else. I am grateful for the comprehensiveness of the modules and the details and the encouragement to study KAs and try things out. The work should be full of joy and anticipation with time for prayer and devotionals. We need to look up and see that "the field is white already to harvest." My family has been experiencing great stress as our son finalizes a divorce and leaves his home in Kentucky to return to Utah for healing. I am grateful that my husband has felt the Lord's approval for a week long trip to Kentucky involving four flights. I am also grateful for the willingness of our daughter to also fly to Kentucky to drive her brother and his car to Utah. We have a missionary grandson returning early from Ecuador and others under great emotional, spiritual and physical stresses. My trust is in my Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They love us. I am grateful for a mission that can continue from home, grateful to be learning and growing stronger and more useful to the kingdom. April 3, 2020 This week I have been particularly touched by the devotionals. I have recognized the importance of doing what I am learning about Family Tree on my own Family Tree. I have been almost overwhelmed by the quantity of work to be done and corrections that need to be made and records and memories that need to be added. I want to fulfill my mission in a righteous way and I know that if I do it "right" the Lord will bless me to know what is needful. April 10, 2020 What a wonderful experience to go through Family Tree Training with trainers who want me to succeed. I have learned so much and recognize the great need for help in moving forward myself and I also recognize how important help can be to others. On this day of fasting and prayer, I have felt the Lord bless me. We began the day with a lost item emergency that needed to be resolved immediately. I had been reminded just this morning that the Lord knows where everything thing and every person is and that he wants us to know that nothing and no one is lost to him. We prayed and found the needed item. And then my module study went well and was clear and understandable. And instead of waiting until Monday, I can move forward this weekend without stress, but can concentrate on celebrating, rejoicing and being grateful.

Impressions From Conference - October 2022 Feast on the scriptures. Take time every day to immerse myself in the scriptures Study the scr...